Thursday, October 31, 2013

Getting the Final Kid off to School

Will You Get the Kindergarten Blues or Celebratory Dance?

baby is in kindergarten
It's the end of summer, and you're ready for your kids to go back to school. What parent doesn't know THAT feeling? You get a little sad thinking the summer is coming to an end, but that's quickly replaced with thoughts such as your house will stay cleaner, will be quieter, and all around more manageable. Now let's throw a wrench in the mix. Your LAST baby will be going to school this year. Kindergarten. All kids will now will be in school. Do you get the kindergarten blues, or do you do the celebratory dance? I'm here to tell you - you get both. You will be a blubbering mess the day your last child goes to kindergarten. You will be beside yourself. Your tears will be tears of joy because your baby is growing up, tears of sadness because your baby is growing up, and tears of fear, because...your baby is growing up. Seeing the trend here? Your baby is growing up.

Okay, So You'll Be a Crybaby. How Do You Handle It?

It's completely acceptable to cry your eyes out when your last child goes to school. Every other parent there will be doing the same thing, even if it's only internal. Here are a few things you should remind yourself, that will certainly help you get over the tears.
  • Yes, your baby is growing up. But this is a good thing! Things are constantly changing, and that means things are happening the way they're supposed to.
  • Having all of your children in school allows for a more productive day for you.
  • You've been waiting for this day since the diaper stage. Don't lie, you know you have.
  • This isn't your first rodeo. Your other kids started kindergarten before, and you've bawled every time. You can handle it. :) You'll soon realize that your last one being in school will bring other stresses and financial strain, such as homework, school projects and field trips, so it'll make the first day of school seem like a cake walk. 

So, Now What?

All the kids are school, now the fun begins. Time to figure out what to do with your time. I'm sure you won't have any problems with that, but in case you need some stimulation, here are some ideas to help you get through your day while the kids are getting smarter.
  • Clean your house
  • Go through all the old boxes, closets or storage areas that keep getting neglected until you "have time"
  • Organize all your old photos into a nice memory book
  • Read a book
  • Get your laundry done, and stay on top of it
  • You could always get a part time job if you happen to have spare time laying around. But be honest...who has that??
Congratulations to you! You have officially made it through the most demanding years of parenting. Now...let the fun begin! 

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